Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Down to Earth...


That brief interlude of recklessness, abandon...paved the way to future understanding, being non judgemental.

That she was the one with unrealistic expectations ...looking for magical beads to be strung in the tapestry of life...

That he was contented, without questioning, without demands for magic, Stardust and so on...

He was happy with little things...she could hear his laughter in the background as he was watching some video of a little precocious child...

He was chuckling in absolute delight

And that because of the brief derailment which was not detrimental she also arrived at a plateau of apparent peace-contentment..

No longer in search of something else...

In a space of acceptance without resistance, she was ready to let go of aspirations of something magical without rancour or disillusionment...it no longer mattered...

Perhaps that brief phase of madness was required for her to arrive at this state of placidity


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