Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The In- Law Conundrum


Being a daughter and a daughter in law as well as a new mother in law brings in so many divergent perspectives simultaneously. One doesn't want to repeat errors even inadvertently. One doesn't want to tread on toes. One wishes to be able to let go, let be. One wants to be as inconspicuous as possible. After all one has had one's own share of life though some parts involved trying to fit in, trying to assimilate, trying to blend in. And all during a time when trying to create one's own pattern was considered transgression of family norms. One should not seek one's own niche in the next generation's nest. One should remember it is their time to create and foster their own. One should not keep yearning for one's past. One should not attempt to recreate one's past in the younger generation's present and tamper with their future. One should remember one has had one's go at it and if one . ...not made use of it optimally, the next generation should not be made to pay for it. Sit back and enjoy watching them going for it. Help if and when asked. Let them create their sacred memories. You don't have to belong to it. Your picture is complete. Hang on the wall unobtrusively. Lend a few hues now and then if they wish so and let them decide how to mix the colours to create a new, fresh, unique masterpiece.

There is no need to treat the MIL as a mother or the DIL as a daughter, be ause don't we know that one can be super critical, harsh and taunting with one's own- such is the liberty within the relationship. Instead behave in the way you would have liked your MIL to treat you, or in the way you wish your daughter is treated by her MIL...

Lost and Not Found...


Today the strains of an old favourite song travelled to my ears- the lyrics of which once caressed my soul… for a moment, I remembered how it felt to be moved by music- touched by the lyrics. I realised I had almost completely forgotten the sensation. 

When did Music stop speaking to me? Or was it I who stopped listening? 

The lyrics, the melody that once made my soul soar high, sent shivers of bliss up my spine, left a smile lurking on my lips- and may be even a teardrop glistening on my eyelid…

When did I arrive here on this parched land, where music stopped speaking to me? When did this happen and why? 

And then like today, when a random strain borne by the wind falls upon the ear, a faint rustle from deep within, a vaguely familiar sensation…

A soft sigh escapes from a forgotten yearning- not for the music but for that exquisite sensation gone missing-