Sunday, May 15, 2011

Writing Exercise.

Ever since I joined the 'River of stones' project, and have been attempting to write crisp , compact 3-4 lines on anything that catches my eyes/ ears, thoughts, I suspect  that I'm no longer able to churn out long winded sentences. This last sentence has to be the longest in a long time. My last post, I had composed like a poem and then I simply deleted the spaces in between and tweaked it a bit here and there to make it prose! I've forgotten how to weave words into prosaic sentences. Every thought now comes abridged , whether it qualifies to be labelled poetry is another matter.

This post is actually an exercise to see if I'm still able to coin sentences.


Harish P I said...

lol.. I had this same problem when I was addicted to Twitter.

Ardra said...

Harish, I cannot believe how tough it has become to string words into a complete sentence. Have you overcome your problem/ your addiction to Twitter? I notice you've used the past tense. :-)