Life is such a tragicomedy, such a satire...
Some things cannot be explained, cannot be justified, cannot be understood. It can only transpire and leave the people involved with a totally new perspective and change them forever perhaps. To understand even a bit, one would've to be able to experience at least a layer, at some level, some dimension.
No questions asked, no explanations given. A realm beyond physicality, beyond names and definitions and yet undeniable. Something abstract and yet tangible. A thrust, an awareness, a realisation, coexistence of Realities. Life and thoughts yet again converge, overlap into an ephemeral bubble that is and yet not. And when at last someone pauses to listen, to understand, and is moved, it becomes the Reality that we perceive and connect with. A glimpse of The Infinite through the prism of the finite...
Some things cannot be explained, cannot be justified, cannot be understood. It can only transpire and leave the people involved with a totally new perspective and change them forever perhaps. To understand even a bit, one would've to be able to experience at least a layer, at some level, some dimension.
No questions asked, no explanations given. A realm beyond physicality, beyond names and definitions and yet undeniable. Something abstract and yet tangible. A thrust, an awareness, a realisation, coexistence of Realities. Life and thoughts yet again converge, overlap into an ephemeral bubble that is and yet not. And when at last someone pauses to listen, to understand, and is moved, it becomes the Reality that we perceive and connect with. A glimpse of The Infinite through the prism of the finite...