Monday, April 23, 2007


Sometimes it is difficult to live with oneself more than with others. It is difficult to rise up to the standards that one has set for oneself. Simply because it entails going against one’s innate nature, against one’s likes and preferences. It is a tight rope walk because one can neither abide nor evade. There are moments when one has to keep up appearances and that is uncomfortable. The awareness of having to seem different from what one actually feels preys on the mind and yet it is not always viable to express. It is a weird dilemma. While I don’t like the mask, one cannot remove and throw it away either. Lots of things depend on it, not just things, others, and relationships are all hinged to this mask that I wear. While it may not be deceit as such, it still is not complete honesty either.

Having to face the not so pleasant facets of oneself is difficult. Even when there is no fear of judgment, still it becomes imperative to seem otherwise and then one feels inadequate and petty.
There are situations in daily life that one does not welcome and yet one is obliged to seem comfortable. There is just no other option. Because that is the right thing. Just that one does not feel like doing the right thing always. Striving to be a better person than one actually is a strain. And then one has to pretend that one enjoys doing the expected thing. One has to smile a lot, one has to make small talk, one has to laugh…and all the time I have this weird feeling of watching me going through all the expected motions. I hear this tiny voice in my head chuckling and making fun at my efforts.

Where is the real me? Who is the real me? What do I really want? The people who have grown to like/love me – is that the real me? I’m not sure. I know myself as this temperamental person who is moody, easily irritable, who loves most spending time with herself- and who is that other gregarious person chattering away, laughing heartily? Oh, that other person does look like me- but no that is not the Real me.
The facets that people get to see of me are just slivers of the whole- while not entirely phoney, they’re still not the true me. They’re interacting with a very temporary, fickle facet that vaporizes in solitude.

And I want to shake these people who think they know me, who think I’m this nice, sweet person, I need to tell them- I’m not what you see and you may not like what you don’t get to see. I’m stuck with this sticky, pesky mask but I cannot throw it away either, for if I peel it off, it will come away with my skin and all and that would be a pretty ugly sight! I know because when I look into the mirror I see me without the mask- warts and all!


Usha said...

oh come on we all have a good and bad side.And the whole process of socilaisation involves taming ourselves to be pleasant and nice to others and use kindness and compassion rather than our violent side.This doesn't mean we are pretending or false.As long as we know that we do have another side and keep it under control, it is a life led well.
You are no different than any one of us - we can all get ugly if we dont keep that side under check.

Ardra said...

Thank you Usha, I needed that reassurance- sometimes I'm not too happy with the way my thoughts go... just one of those moments of conflict while introspecting.

Shankari said...

Masks are FUN!


kewlmallu said...

Ardra - I agree with Usha's comment. I know how intensely you feel about this issue but as always nothing is ever not intense with you!!! I dont think your other side is as bad as you imagine it to be. I imagine...I wud know !!!

BTW - not an expert in writing myself but the switch from "One" to "I" in para #2 was a little jarring methinks.

Otherwise an interesting, intense read...

Ardra said...

Shankari! Masks are fun? Really?:-)
But u've become invisible. :-(

Kewl Mallu! aha! dont be too sure. :-)

and yes, I was aware of the sudden switch from 'one' to 'I'- but I was at a loss as to how to effectively bring out the seperation between the observer and the observed- both being yours truly.

Anonymous said...

the journey of life is not to know others and not to prove who we are to others..but for us to discover ourselves.

everyone lives with an image of dont have to fight with what image they have of yours...

i would rather say..the one who knows him(her) self would ultimately know you too..and then all these illusions of masks fall in their and your mind too.

be at peace Di.

Cee Kay said...

Oooh! You have expressed exactly how I feel at times! And done a far better job of it that I would have done had I attempted it.

I agree with Usha though - we all have two (maybe more??) sides to us. We have to keep those multiple "personnas" under check. I have learnt that in this world, nothing is black and white - specially personalities. Ther are many shades of gray in between. And, in real life, gray is not necessarily bad. It can be essential at times.

Oh, I think you might have inspired a post! :D

Gauri said...

Where are you Ardra ? Been really really long now ........

All well, I hope ?


Just Like That said...

Bloghopped over.
What you've written is typically what I feel so many days, lately.
Didn't mind anything so much as my antisocial nature- not liking to talk, even to my husband. Was wondering if it is cos I'm getting older...