1. Are you happy/satisfied with your blog, with its content and look? Does your family know about your blog?
Yes, I’m satisfied with the look of my blog which was given to me by my dear friend
Aalapana. I’m not good at tinkering with the template. However, of late, I find I’m increasignly feeling discontented with the contents of my blog. There is a listlessness, a sense of dissatisfaction with what I’m writing. I feel the need to write more, better. I remember the sense of ‘thripthi´( satisfaction) I used to feel long ago after I had posted. This feeling I do not experience nowadays.
2. Does your family know about your blog?
Yes, a few of my family members do know that I blog, and a couple of them do read my posts too.
3. Do you feel embarrassed to let your friends know about your blog or do you consider it a private thing?
I do not feel embarrassed but yes, I do hesitate to let all my friends know about my blog, but that is only because I don’t want the awareness to interfere with my spontanaeity in expression.
4. Did Blogs have a positive change in your thoughts?
Yes, I can confidently say that blogging has brought about a positive change in my thoughts. In the beginning, I was extremely encouraged by the the feedback I got, and that gave me a boost of confidence. The interaction in the virtual world enriched my life and has given me much happiness.
Reading others’ blogs has opened up a fascinating world of myriad experiences, perspectives, ideas.I’ve immensely enjoyed marveling the writing skills of several bloggers – their wrting styles, sense of humour. It has indeed changed my attitude to life in several ways.
5. Do you only open the blogs of those who comment on your blog or do you love to go and discover new blogs for yourself?
No, I go blog hopping from the comments section of other bloggers too. I love discovering new blogs and I’ve a really long list of blogs to read saved in my pc. I don’t always leave comments though.
6. What does the visitor counter mean to you? do you care about putting it on your blog?
When I first installed the site meter, I used to follow it up very religiously. I used to be thrilled to see the number of people who visit my page. But nowadays, I don’t look it up at all. So, now if there are no comments on my blog, I’m not sure if anybody has even read my post.
7. Do you try to imagine your fellow bloggers and give them real pictures?
I don’t always imagine the faces of the other bloggers, but I’ve wondered how they might look on a couple of occasions when there had been a prospect of meeting a few of them. But in the virtual world, it is more of interacting with thoughts and the faces doesn’t really matter.
8. Do you think there is a real benefit to blogging?
For me , Yes, I do think there is a real
benefit to blogging .9. Do you think that bloggers society is isolated from the real world or interacts with events?
Not really, because Ifeel that blogs mostly reflect real lfie experiences, thoughts. In fact , perhaps more real because the anonymity helps the blogger to be utterly honest than one would perhaps be in real life.
10. Does criticism annoy you or do you feel it is a normal thing?
Healthy and constructive criticism is a good thing. However if the intent is simply malicious then it is best ignored.
11. Do you fear some political blogs and do you avoid them?
Politics do not interest me, and conflicting ideologies if not tempered with tolerance cause unpleasant situations sometimes and I prefer to stay away from such scenario.
12. Did you get shocked by the arrest of some bloggers?
I was not aware of the arrests and if the arrests were to prevent harmful situations, I guess it may be justified, but ideally freedom of expression on blogs without misuse should be prevalent.
13. Do you think about what will happen to your blog after you die?
Hmm. . in fact this thought had occurred to me at some random moment. I guess my blogspace would just stop getting updated,obviously and then perhaps a few regular readers (?) might wonder what happened to me. I do have a couple of friends in the virtual world who do try to call me up and check if I‘m doing fine, if I remain silent for a stretch of time, and then may be these friends would mention it on their posts!
14. Which blogger has made the greatest impression on you?
Quite a fewof them and for different reasons. It is difficult to mention just one, still I would say
Hip Hop grand mom, Akeeyu,
Star gazer Lalita,
Velu, Usha,
15. Which blogger you think is most similar to you?
I would not be able to say that any blogger is similar to me- but at various times, I’ve come across similar tracks of thought, similar ways of expression in different blogs. Sometimes uncanny and sometimes just random coincidences. I remember having read somewhere that how much ever one likes to believe that one is unique, still every thought, feeling and idea has been borne into minds again and again. In fact it is because of being able to relate to some thoughts and ideas, that one enjoys readingthem expressed by others.